A sure sign of the difficult times is the increasing number of ukay-ukay shops sprouting all over the city. Right down along Rizal Avenue, just beside Everwell Drugstore, is a collection of second hand clothes shops that peddles everything from hats down to (would you believe?) underwear!!!
Seriously, there are actually treasures to find such as slightly used branded t-shirts , polos, curtains, bedsheets that look good as new. You just have to be armed with patience, perseverance and, the most important, terrific haggling skills. I, for one, have not mastered the art yet. I do wear my shopping heart on my sleeve and I can't help but show my eagerness when I've had a terrific find (a bargaining no no). One must know how to keep on a poker face and keep the shop owner guessing as to whether or not you have decided on an item. It helps if you walk away at the first price quotation, more often than a reduction thereof would necessarily follow. Of course, they do have to earn their keep, so know when to stop haggling. Remember they are in it for the business and not for charity.
Nonetheless, for the not so fortunate who could only dream of Ralph Lauren, here is the chance to have his clothes at a fraction of the cost, if you don't mind the thought that it has actually touched the skin of someone else and has drowned in his sweat (hehehe). But for the more picky and sensitive bargain hunter, its not only clothes that this shopping haven for the financially conscious has to offer, they also have bags and shoes. If your one resourceful broad (or chap) take the time cause you just might find a Bally in there or even a Gucci with nary a scratch mark and no one's the wiser that it came from ukay republic. A friend, after having sworn me to secrecy on our doggies' grave (hehe), confessed that the long sleeve polos I've always admired her wearing are finds from segunda mano stores. Well, I''l be darned. Who would have thought that my fashion savvy friend sourced her threads this way? As she would say, nasa "carry" yan. I have but to agree, ukay or not, a fashionista will always be a fashionista even in these hardest of times.