Thursday, May 14, 2009

Did She or Didn't She?

Not since the day waiting for the b_ _ results was I this anxious and apprehensive hoping intensely for a favorable result. Okay, you win, yup, I am exaggerating, but I was on needles and pins two days ago watching my B_ _ take her entrance exams for nursery in a prep school in the city. I was afraid she would flunk it, although the chance of that happening was two in a thousand. Really, now, entrance exams for nursery?

Before you go up and say, "Gee, that mom doesn't have much confidence in her daughter", let me tell you why I was afraid.

Work has kinda doubled these past few weeks and while I believe in tutoring my kid, I felt nursery was no more than play school and kids should not be pressured academically at this stage in their education. Besides, a colleague once confided to me, for as long as they are ready to sit on the potty, they are ready for prep. In other words, I had no time to prepare B_ _ for her entrance exams and was not that inclined to do so vis - a -vis my beliefs about nursery school. But while I sat comfortably ensconced in this thinking, a friend told me that the school actually flunks kids and deny them admission. God forbid, B_ _ was not gonna suffer the indignity of being denied admission, not while I can help it. So, a day before the exams (work would not make me do it any earlier) me and my daughter crammed lessons in colors, shapes, counting and the basic question and answer (e.g. What is your name?, How old are you?).

Come exam day, B_ _ was so excited, she was going to school, so I told her. She behaved so beautifully, no crying and doing everything the teacher-examiner asked her to do. She kinda stumbled on the colors and shapes part, mistaking blue for violet, and calling the oblong bunay(egg), but over-all, I felt she was gonna ace it.

And she did. A month from now, my B_ _ is going to school and Mama couldn't have been more prouder.

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